Ramsey's Research

CVS is a concurrent versioning system. In the following points, I highlight useful commands that are most often used by myself.
  • Everytime you want to use cvs, you should set up CVS_RSH along with CVSEDITOR and EDITOR (maybe you should put this in your .bashrc)
             export CVS_RSH=ssh
             export CVSEDITOR=emacs
             export EDITOR=emacs

  • Getting a repository for the first time
             cvs -d /home/username/CVS checkout projectname
             example: cvs -d albert:/home/faculty/sramsey2/CVS co rt

  • Updating your current repository (before you make more changes)
             cvs update

  • Commiting your changes to the repository
             cvs commit -m "msg describing changes goes here"

  • Commiting the changes of a single file to the repository
             cvs commit filename -m "msg describing changes goes here"

  • Adding a new file to the repository (it must still be committed)
             cvs add filename

    For the person who is setting up the repository, the following are also useful

  • The very first time, the repository must be initialized
             cvs -d /home/username/CVS init
             example: cvs -d /home/faculty/sramsey2/CVS init

  • To import a project, first cd to its base directory
             cvs -d /home/username/CVS import projectname vendor start
             example: cvs -d albert:/home/faculty/sramsey2/CVS import rt sramsey2 start