Homework #2 - In this project you will draw lines entered by using the DDA line, midpoint line and OpenGL line drawing methods. Your project should have the following. Requirements: - README.txt: From this point forward you will email your code files along with a README (in txt format). The readme should completely describe each of the fllowing in a bulleted list. - The goal of the assignment (the what) - The user interface / how to use your assignment (the how) - Any assumptions you made during implementation - Any broken pieces / unfinished portions - Obstacles faced and overcome. Hardest part of the assignment - Any other features/quirks/bugs or functionality of your project - Fully answer any additional assignment questions - Keyboard Commands 'd' - Clear and draw all lines in the system using DDA in red 'm' - Clear and draw all lines in the system using midpoint in green 'g' - Clear and draw all lines in the system using OpenGL in light blue 'a' - Clear and raw all lines in the system using all methods above. Draw them in this order: OpenGL, DDA, midpoint. Thus if all three methods agree on the pixels selected for the line, only green will be shown at the end. 'r' - Remove the last line from the list. 'w' - Toggle anti-aliasing of OpenGL lines (extra credit) 's' - start a line (from hw1) 'e' - end a line (from hw1) 'p' - print all lines (from hw1) - Mouse commands LEFT DOWN - start a line (from hw1) LEFT UP - end a line (from hw1) Extra Credit: - Enable rubberbanding in the project. Draw the line as the left mouse is pressed down. - Provide extensive timings for each line drawing method and report your findings.