Adversarial Search - brancing factor - utility - state of the art, chess, machine learning, pruning - inefficiencies - optimal moves - minimax, initial state, successor, terminal test/states, utility function - alpha-beta pruning - cut-off test (depth limit quiescence search), terminal test, eval vs utility - nondeterminism - expectiminimax Mancala --results/implementation Probability - probability - # appeared / # trials - Total Probability = sum P(A|xi) * P (xi) - Bayes Rule - P(A|B) = P(B|A) * P(A) / P(B) - smoothing - ( # appeared + lambda ) / (#totals+#classes*lambda) - laplacian smoothing - lambda = 1 - laplacian smoothing with two classes -> (#appeared+1)/(#totals+2) - probability of spam - product ( P(words) ) / ( product( P(words) ) + product(1 - P(words)) )