CSI - CS 2 Page numbers are primarily from Dale text which was listed as recommended. A second set of page numbers (if exists) shows the Liang text locations Homework #1 and Review Characters, digits, characters as ints, converting characters to digits Strings, Arrays, strings as arrays Functions on strings String concatenation Memory and Memory Diagrams (153-159) - Stack V. Heap, Static allocation vs. Dynamic allocation - Function Stack Structs (74-79 and 93) - (as data holders/public classes) - programmer-defined type - dot (.) operator - arrow (->) operators Pointers (153-159) (352-366) - declaration, meaning of star (*) - new and delete - NULL - pointer / dynamic memory issues: - garbage Linked Lists (160-180) (621-637) - node structure and code - pointers, use of NULL - end of list - head v tail - add to front, output, delete, print, operations on every element STL - Standard Template Library Vector Begins Chapter 12 in Liang -declaration -use of [] -push_back -size -resize -empty -clear Stack -push -pop -size -empty -overflow (265) -underflow (267) Queue -push -front -pop -size -empty -Recursion Review Chapter 17 in Liang Binary Trees (BSTs 493-547 in Dale) -root -subtree -child -parent -leaf -height -depth -Binary Search Tree -counting nodes -depth first traversal -pre, post and in- order -breadth first traversal -insert -print -Binary Search Trees -Definitions -Vocabulary (root,child,height,etc) -Balance -Rules of insertion -AVL Trees -Definition -Rotations -Rules of Insertion -Bottom-up Approach -Adv/Disadv General Questions To Answer Insert the following numbers into these trees Compare the balance of the following trees Is the following an AVL tree? What is the significance of balanced trees? What is the worst case scenario for BST? -trees in code -sorts - brief overview - bubble - insertion, selection - quick sort