Examine each expression. If it is valid, then list the type of the expression. If it is invalid, simply list invalid. Use the struct and declarations below as part of the program. struct Pass { int id; double secs; Pass *next; }; Pass pass1; Pass *passptr = new Pass; int apple; float orange; Example: &apple Answer: pointer to int 1. apple 2. orange 3. pass1.id 4. pass1.secs 5. pass1->id 6. pass1->secs 7. passptr.id 8. passptr.secs 9. passptr->id 10. passptr->secs 11. &apple 12. &orange 13. &passptr 14. *pass1 15. *passptr 16. &pass1 17. passptr->next 18. passptr->next->next 19. passptr->next->id 20. &(passptr->next)