This homework is due on 3/31/14 In this homework, you will read in a series of grades, store them in a dynamic array, compute their average and then report the letter grade result of the average. Grades can have decimal places. The number of grades will change each time the program is run (thus requiring the dynamic array). Be sure to create a dynamic array appropriately to receive credit. ------------------------------------------ Sample Execution: ------------------------------------------ How many grades would you like to enter? 5 Enter grade #1: 50 Enter grade #2: 55 Enter grade #3: 50.7 Enter grade #4: 99 Enter grade #5: 100 Your average is 70.94. Your average is a C. ------------------------------------------ The input above is: 5 50 55 50.7 99 100 --------------------------------------------------------------- You should run sample executions based on the following inputs: --------------------------------------------------------------- 1 70 3 10 20 30 5 50 55 50.7 99 100 5 90 80 70 60 50 40 2 0 0