In this assignment you will be writing your own function. This function will use arguments that are passed using call by value. Call by value simply means that the value of the argument is passed to the function parameters. The distance traveled by an object is often computed using the following formula in physics: s = v * t + 0.5 * a * t * t s is the distance traveled v is the initial velocity of the object a is the acceleration of the object t is the amount of time that has elapsed For now you can assume that the units are as follows: s is in meters v is in meters per second a is in meters per second squared t is in seconds Write a function that is called distance that has three arguments. The three arguments will be velocity, acceleration and time. These arguments should be able to take real values. This function should compute the distance traveled given the arguments according to the formula listed above. You should start by making the prototype and then move on to create the function definition. A sample main is given below: int main() { float velocity, acceleration, t, distance; cout << "Please input velocity (m/s), acceleration(m/s^2) and time (s):"; cin >> velocity >> acceleration >> t; distance = compute_distance(velocity,acceleration,t); cout << "The distance traveled is " << d << " meters." << endl; return 0; }