CSI 250 - Spring 2020 - Exam 1 Review Sheet - Overview -- A good way to study is to try more problems similar to the homework. You want to be come efficient at solving problems of that type so that the exam is a snap! -- much of digital logic doesn't come from our book, so I've supplemented with a ton of links on the course web page. Take a look! - von Neumann vs bus architectures - the von Neumann bottleneck - backward compatibility and levels of architecture (high v low) - Truth Tables (using for "proofs") - Logic Gates, Diagrams and Algebra - Combinational Logic - Full Adder/ Half Adder - Algebraic manipulations (DeMorgan's Law) - Sum of Products (SOP), minterms - race conditions, glitches, hazards - Karnaugh maps - 3-to-8 decoder (and similar like 2-to-4, 4-to-16) - Binary Arithmetic (half adder, full adder, ripple carry adder) - Hexadecimal, Octal - Binary Formats - Clocks, Hertz and converting between seconds per clock cycle to Hz - S-R flip flops, D flip flops, - D flip flop Master-slave configuration and shift registers - Conversions between numerical base (remainder/multiplication method - Names and conventions for binary, decimal, octal, and hexadecimal - Converting between numerical bases using remainder and multiplication methods - Integer Representations (conveting to and from) -Excess format, 2's Complement, unsigned format