Requirements Document In this assignment you'll produce a full requirements document. Be sure to consider the following pieces. Part A) Revisiting General Requirements -Include the purpose and scope of the system -Identify criteria for success - be specific and verifiable -Fully describe implications -List terminology used throughout the document Part B) Listing Requirements Fully describe any current systems (legacy, replaced, or otherwise) Fully list the requirements of the new system -Don't forget to fully list: Functional Requirements User Interface and Usability Non-functional Requirements Verifiable constraints -Don't forget to list any implications or assumptions -Don't forget to list lack of functionality or things NOT required Part C) Viewpoints Identify those who have a stake: clients, management, staff, customers, and beyond Who is affected by the system? Who can disrupt this project? How will they understand the reqs Precisely what is needed for each stakeholder? Include verifiability where possible. Viewpoint Analysis from all stakeholders (highlight concerns, issues and responsibilities for each viewpoint) Part D) Use Cases and Scenarios Completely specify all use cases in diagram form (don't forget error extensions and any inclusions) Be sure to also describe the use cases in words - Document! Describe three scenarios - (for different use cases where possible) Describe sources for data and how data may move in the system - include diagrams where possible