Operators and Variables Write a program that reads in two numbers from the user and calculates the difference between three times the first number and half of the second number, and then prints out the result. Your program should not round off or drop any fractional or decimal component of this result. Write a program that figures out the area of a rectangle when the user inputs its length and width. Write a program that reads in two strings and determines if they are equal. If they are, output "EQUAL" and if they are not, output "NOT". Conditions Write a program that reads in a single character from the user, and then prints out a message saying either "You entered a Y or a y" or "You entered something other than Y or y in response." Write a program that reads in a value for a dinner bill with a valid range from 0 to 200. Write checks to verify that the user entered a proper value and that cin did not fail. Write a program that reads in three integers from the user. If the third integer is a 0, then output the addition of the first two integers. If it is a 1, then subtract the first two. If it is a 2 then multiply the first two. If it is a 3 then divide the first two. If it is not in the range from 0 - 3 then output of taking the first and applying the modulus operator (%) with the second and output the result to the user. Loops Write a program that reads in a single number from the user, and then prints out that many different even numbers. Write a program that reads in a value from the user and creates a box of asterisks that wide and tall. Write a program to read in 5 integer values from the user and compute their average as a decimal value.