In this game you will be programming a hangman game. You'll need to use strings, for loops, arrays, while loops and if statements. Truly pushing together many of the concepts we've learned. It would be useful to push some of these steps into functions as well. 1) Ask the user how many words they want in their hangman game. 2) Create a dynamic array of strings with this number of words. 3) Write a for loop to read the possible words from the user. 4) Randomly select one of these words. 5) Create a new string filled with asterisks (*) that matches the length of the randomly chosen word. You can do this in a dozen different ways. Here's one with a for loop: string guess; for(int i = 0 ; i < myRandomWord.length(); i++) { guess = guess + "*"; } 6) Display guess. Ask the user to guess a character and read in a character from the user. 7) Check this character against all the characters in the random Word using a for loop. If the character matches the character in randomword, set the corresponding character in the guess string to the guessed character. For example, let's take the situation when the random word is "hello", and at this point in time the guessing string is "h****" Then the user guesses 'l'. Your for loop should change "h****" to "h*ll*". 8) If the character was found in the random word, this was a good guess. If the character was not found in the random word, mark this as a wrong guess. The user gets 6 wrong guesses! 9) Goto #6 and repeat until there are no more asterisks in guess (this happens when the guessing word and the random word are the same) or the user runs out of guesses.