Armed with the ability to write loops, you can already start to create some interesting games. In this file I demo how I'd write a simple hi-low guessing game where the user is trying to guess the number the programmer choose. We can make this more interesting later and allow the computer to pick the number pseudo-randomly. Make your new source file. Create a variable called value and assign it to some value between 40 and 79. Use a for loop to output value number of asterisks. (This can make it an estimation game for kids too!) Get console input from the user for a variable called guess. Validate input. Run and test. Write some conditionals relating guess to value. If they're the same, the user has won. Tell the user. Run and test. If guess is less than the value then tell the user. If guess is more, tell the user. Run and test. Now you have a program which can work for one guess. To make it work for multiple guesses, you simply wrap the entirety of the code in a while loop that continues as long as the user has not guessed the right number yet. Run and test! Now put the entirety of this new code in a loop that allows the user to play again! Won't be interesting until we randomize, but that is only a line of code we can add later.