Install some software: (Only needs to be done once) 1) Download Visual Studio Code and Install it. 2) Open Terminal. Type g++ and hit enter. This should ask you to install some material How to use the tools: Opening a file: In Visual Code, go to file new file To save a file you can hit command S Your files should be one word names followed by cpp. Example: "hello.cpp" Store them in your documents directory. Go to terminal and switch to your documents directory by typing "cd Documents" Coding Processes: 1) Open the cpp file in visual code 2) Edit the cpp file in visual code 3) Save the cpp file (example: "hello.cpp") 4) Switch to terminal (make sure you're in the documents directory) 5) type "g++ cppfilename" example: "g++ hello.cpp") - you can use up arrows to repeat commands 6) Check for errors. If there are errors, go back to step #2 7) If there are no errors, run your program with: "./a.out" 8) Modify your program further by going to step #2 until satisfied