Instructor: Dr. Shaun D. Ramsey 
Email:  (preferred contact method)
Phone: (410)810-7485 
Office: DUNN N102
Office Hours: Tu 1:30-2:20, W 2:30-3:30, F 11:30-12:20
  (or by drop-in / appointment)


CSI 460 - Artificial Intelligence
Fall 2016
460-10 Classroom/Meetings: DUNN N103 9:30am-10:20am
Text: Russel and Norvig, Artificial Intelligence

Grade Breakdown: 
Prompts/Discussion/Participation:		20% 
       Assignments/Presentations:		40% 
                   Quizzes/Exams:         	40% [Optional]

Without the optional portion, Prompts section is 40% and Assign section is 60%.

Overview and Advising: Artificial Intelligence involves learning how
to solve a variety of problems using computers. Topics include the
philosophy of AI, statespace search, search strategies, analysis of
algorithms, heuristics, mini-max, a-star and more.

General Schedule:
 Week 1 Intelligence, Turing Test, PEAS, 
 Week 2 Successors, Trees, Problems, Heuristics
 Week 3 Single State problems
 Week 4 BFS, DFS, DLS, IDS - Complexity, A*
 Week 5 Local Search, Iterative improvement, Greedy, Hillclimbing, random restarts, random sideways
 Week 6 Simulated annealing, local beam, genetic algorithms,
 Week 7 CSPs, map coloring, constraint graphs, incremental search
 Week 8 backtracking search, MRV, Degree, LCV, forward checking, constraint propagation
 Week 9 Adversarial Search, complexity (again?), strategies
Week 10 Pure Strategies vs mixed strategies, Minimax
Week 11 Minimax, alpha-beta pruning
Week 12 Probability, Bayes Rule, Markov Chains 
Week 13 Advanced topics: inferencing, neural networks,
Week 14 Advanced topics: Vision, NLP,

Attendance: Attendance is mandatory in this course. On your sixth
absence, you automatically fail the course. As a matter of courtesy,
you are expected to notify Dr.  Ramsey before class describing the
reason of your absence. You must be present on the day of an exam or
you will receive a 0. There is no distinction between excused and
unexcused absences. It is quite likely that I will email you to
discuss the reasons you have missed the class, but it is ultimately
your duty to keep track of your absences and to contact me. Missing a
class may result in missed classwork and/or quizzes. There are no
make-up quizzes or classwork. It is your responsibility to obtain
assigned homework, announcements and class notes from a
classmate. Coming late to class will also count against you. In this
case, every two late arrivals (lates) count as an absence. Thus you
fail the course with 12 lates or 6 absences or any mix of the two that
add up to 6. Examples are: 2 lates and 5 absences, 4 lates and 4
absences, 6 lates and 3 absences, and so on.

Grading: Late assignments will be assessed a value of 0. 

Accommodations: If you have an accommodation that has been reported to
the college, please let me know as soon as possible so I can work to
meet your accommodation. You must notify me of any necessary
accommodation at least two weeks prior to the requirement.

Academic Honesty: You are always subject to the Honor Code of
Washington College.  Always sign the honor code on materials that you
hand in (including homework and exams). All work must be your own.
Exams: The final exam will be administered during its scheduled slot
during final exam week. An absence on the day of the exam will result
in a grade of 0. Except in cases of very extreme emergency, exams must
be taken on the day the exam is given. Before a make-up test is
scheduled, documentation of the extreme emergency must be
given. Make-up exams for tests missed due to an extreme emergency will
be arranged for a time that is mutually convenient for the student and
Dr. Ramsey.