Due Wednesday: Write a sample JSON object (on paper) that fits with your idea or the scenario below. The full requirements are listed below (6+ objects, at least one array, etc). Remember you can refer to json.org for format. You must start on paper. Also try your answer in the pretty printer to see if it looks correct. Notes and reminders: In class, we've learned about the JSON format. For example, here's some silly earthquake data that I've invented: { "earthquakes": [ { "place": "Colombia", "mag": "2.378", "time": "9.16.16" }, { "place": "C-town", "mag": "197.2", "time": "9.21.16" }, { "place": "Kyoto", "mag": "2.4", "time": "9.22.16" }, { "place": "SF, CA", "mag": "4.2", "time": "9.18.16" } ] } In this data, there is only one item in the object. It has the name "earthquakes" and its value is a list. Inside that list are other objects. These objects correspond to locations, magnitudes and times when pretend earthquakes have occured. There are many such examples of this on the web if you need to see more. For example, You can grab data on ebola from the WHO from: http://apps.who.int/gho/athena/xmart/EBOLA_MEASURE/CASES,DEATHS.json?filter=COUNTRY:*;LOCATION:-;DATAPACKAGEID:2016-05-11;INDICATOR_TYPE:SITREP_CUMULATIVE;INDICATOR_TYPE:SITREP_CUMULATIVE_21_DAYS Or you can grab JSON data from your instagram account with: [This requires you to jump through some hoops, see next link.] https://api.instagram.com/v1/tags/nofilter/media/recent?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN You will need to tackle what is written here: https://www.instagram.com/developer/endpoints/ Even stack overflow has a JSON feed: https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/search?order=desc&sort=activity&intitle=perl&site=stackoverflow Try sticking the result of that page in a pretty printer. The point is only that JSON is used to transfer data in many places across the internet. SPECIFICATION ------------- Your job is to consider a possible JSON object that you think might be useful in your upcoming project. If you don't have any ideas yet, write a sample JSON object for the following scenario. Either way, your JSON object needs to include at least one value that is an array and it must have some nested objects. In the earthquake example, there is a list of earthquakes with nested earthquakes inside. You might instead have a bunch of properties of some object and one of which is an object. This is to be done on paper first. You should type up your final work for submission, but there must be something handed in that is a hand-written sketch of where you're going. We will use this several times in this course. We will begin by designing on paper and then moving to the screens. So it is best to get into that habit now. Failure to submit both the written version and submit/demo the digital version will result in 0%. You should make something that has at least 6 objects. It may be that you're not sure about your project for this course just yet. That's fine. If you don't have a decent scenario in mind, then use the following to write your JSON object. You might consider this object as the minimum I expect on this assignment. Bob is going to write a program to organize his cats and dogs. He wants to keep different information about his cats and his dogs and so he's creating an Animals object. The Animals object has two members. One is the string cat and the other is the string dog. Cat has the value of a list of objects. Each object in this cat's list has a color, a name, and a disposition. Make up 3 cats that belong to Bob's list of cats. The Dog string has another value which is a list of objects. Each object in this dog's list has a breed, a name, and a weight. Make up 3 dogs that belong to Bob's list of dogs.