Screens - XML Part III Due By the End of 10/25/16 - Hand-in on Canvas Now that you have a lay out of your screens (at least on paper), make the xml for each of your screens. If you're already done this step, then great! Remember that this screen might need to be filled in programmatically. Either by reading from shared preferences or some file or otherwise. In other words, a screen displaying a name and an age may really cover 100million different screens when reading in the census data. You just fill those fields in with different data. At this point, the screens do not have to be connected. But you should make sure you've thought about how you go from one to the next (from the last assignment). You'll hand in your xml for the screens on canvas. (Not Due Wednesday) The next step after this will be to present, briefly, the idea of your project to the entire class in an informal, but graded presentation. Then you'll talk through each of the screens and what they're meant to do.