Screens - Non-code Work Part II Due Tuesday 10/18/16 With your proposal secure, it is time to start thinking about what will appear on the screens of your app. This hand-in should not involve anything from android studio. It should not involve code or xml or anything of the like. This is entirely scratch work. You may do it digitally, as long as it isn't yet being implemented. In this assignment, you're going to draw the screens that should appear in your application. Every screen/activity that will go into your project should be listed. Each view should be clearly drawn in the activity. For example, list and place any Buttons, TextViews, ImageViews, EditText, ProgressBars and beyond that you intend to use. With each screen, you should identify each UI element (or View) with a label (you can use names or letters). You can do this step by hand, but if you want to step up your professionalism, there are other ways. Provide a Bulleted List of each View in your screen to identify what kind of object in Android it will be. This step must be typed. With a screen drawn, provide a description of how users interact with the screen and where that will take you. This should produce a kind of flowchart between screens in your app. You don't have to worry too much about what's happening to data or how you're passing information around. You can leave out details other than how the UI itself operates. I've given an example for the login screen (and you'll notice it leaves out a lot of the details we've worked on). This step must be typed. ----------- An Example: ----------- Imagine I've drawn my login screen. I've a UserName EditText above a Password EditText above a Login Button. You should be drawing this out visually, not describing this part. However, you should clearly label each View, so that in the description you can elaborate on each part. Describe each View in this Screen: ---------------------------------- - Login Screen will use a vertical linearlayout. - UserName is an EditText - Password is an EditText with hidden text - Login is a Button How Users Interact With this Screen: ------------------------------------ Users will tap the UserName EditText and type in their login name. Then the user will tap the Password EditText (with hidden text) and type in their password. When the users hit the Login Button, the system will verify their login and either return to this same activity with some sort of error message in a toast or launch screen Bmoz (described elsewhere).