Update your websites for your final project. Include the following: 1. Instructions for operating your program and controlling the user interface. 2. At least three screen shots showing your program in action. 3. Your source and any media (images, textures, sound files, game files, etc). 4. A works cited listing all references. Be sure to include any youtube pages, project pages, overclock.net, stackoverflow or other sites you may have used. 5. A paragraph describing the most difficult portion of your project and explain why. 6. A paragraph describing the most interesting portion of your project and explain why. ----------------------- Optionally include your executable. You can find this in roughly by going to my documents, Visual Studio folder, The Project you made, the bin directory and then Debug (if you compile in release mode, then you can go to release instead). The .exe file is the one you want to upload and link and others should be able to simply download it and run it if they have all the same libraries. This may not work for every possible user.