Checkup-1 This assignment is intended as a first stage checkup for your final project. In this assignment, you will setup the structure of your project and otherwise talk about classes and inheritance. This will be a digital 'txt' handin on canvas. You will be graded on clarity, completeness and correctness. List the main class that you are creating for this project. (This does not have to be the class with 'main' in it, just the one that is the primary focus of your project). 1) Explain briefly (2-3 sentences) what the main functionality of the class is. Remember, classes are like objects, so you should be able to talk about this class as if it is an object that has some functionality. 2) Explain briefly every class that this class implements or extends. Explain why each implements/extends is necessary. (2-3 sentences per implements/extends) 3) Do any other classes derive from this class? Explain why or why not (1-2 sentences) 4) Are there any other objects required to implement your final project? If so, briefly describe them (1 sentence each). If not, explain, in detail, why this is not necessary (2-3 sentences).