OOP Presentations

Make it a powerpoint (or other slideshow presentation). Prepare a demo of your project as it is currently working.

These presentations are meant to take only ~7 minutes each. As usual, use good presentation practice. (Don't read from slides, use small bullets and not long paragraphs and replace with images where possible.)

Be sure to include the following in your presentation:

  • A title slide with project name and your name
  • A screenshot of your demo (you may need more than one) (on this slide you should be briefly telling us what your project is meant to do)
  • A slide each for new Java classes you may be using - and a brief description of why you're using them and what they do.
  • Any problems you've had to overcome (and how)
  • Any problems you're actively solving
  • Any expected problems that you anticipate running into next
  • A "cited" page listing any sources