This test covers Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 (Loops and Functions) First look at the end of sections in Chapters 4-5. These have valuable "test your knowledge" questions that are similar and useful in preparation for this exam. Some example questions (without the actual questions). Remember that during the test you will need to use good programming practices throughout. There will be question 'types' that are not listed below, so just knowing how to answer these is not enough to get 100% on the test. You should also go over the review problems in the book for the chapters we have covered - as well as read any portions of the chapters you may have missed. Some problems will likely come directly from those as well. As always, I encourage you to look at the review questions at the end of the chapters for sample questions. Some sample questions: Show the structure of a for loop. Show the structure of a while loop. Explain how a for (or while) loop works. Convert from one loop to another. Rewrite this code to take advantage of a loop. What is #include used for? Name some functions in cmath. Name two libraries used in #include. What is a function prototype? Give the function prototype for the following situation? Give the function definition for the following situation? -function basics (definition, prototype, location, calls, arguments) Find all errors (run-time and compiler) in the following code. (code would follow) Given the following snippet of code, what is the output? (code would follow) Give C++ code for the following pseudocode. (pseudocode would follow) Give C++ code for the following problem statement. (a problem statement would follow) Give pseudocode for the following problem statement. (a problem statement would follow) What does the following code do? What are the values of all variables at the end of its execution? (code would follow) Give a function definition for . . . Give a function prototype for . . . What is pass-by-value? What is pass-by-reference? When is pass-by-value used? When is pass-by-reference used? Compare and contrast pass-by-value and pass-by-reference? What is the scope (where can it be used) of this variable? Show how to call this function. What is a return type? What is a void function? What does the following function do . . .