First look at the end of sections in Chapters 1-3. These have valuable "test your knowledge" questions that are similar and useful in preparation for this exam. Some example questions (without the actual questions). Remember that during the test you will need to use good programming practices throughout. There will be question 'types' that are not listed below, so just knowing how to answer these is not enough to get 100% on the test. You should also go over the review problems in the book for the chapters we have covered - as well as read any portions of the chapters you may have missed. Some problems will likely come directly from those as well. Given the following snippet of code, what is the output? (code would follow) Code may include if statements, boolean logic, comparison logic, assignments, implicit or explicit type casts - or any combination. Give C++ code for the following problem statement. (a problem statement would follow) What does the following code do? What are the values of all variables at the end of its execution? (code would follow) see types that code may include above What is the maximum and minimum integer? Name several C++ types. What is the largest C++ type (biggest possible real world number)? Which type is the most precise for real numbers. Give several valid identifiers and invalid identifiers? What is a compiler and what does it do? What is the difference between source code and machine code? Find all errors (run-time and compiler) in the following code. (code would follow) What is the difference between C++ types? (you would have to describe the difference between any of the types here, for example, the difference between int, float, bool, double, string, char) Does the following code take advantage of boolean short-circuit evaluation? What is the difference between implicit and explicit type casting? Other things to understand: -arithmetic -if statements -Any C++ keywords (for ex: int, float, if, ...) -cout/cin -literals -type casting (implict and explicit)