1) Download putty (google putty, click downloads, select the putty.exe for Windows) 2) Connect to sybil via putty (see tutorial) 3) Type if you have not done so already: (only needs to be done once) mkdir csi201 This will create a directory for your homework/classwork. 4) Type: cd csi201 This will switch you into the directory you just created. 5) Type: emacs This will open a text editor called emacs. 6) Type: ctrl-x ctrl-f After you type this you may type the name of a file to open or create. You should type what I have listed below to create/open the hello.cpp file. 7) Type: hello.cpp This should open up an empty file. 8) Type the next 10 lines into this open file: #include using namespace std; int main() { cout << "Hello World" << endl; } 9) Type: ctrl-x ctrl-s This will save all that you have written to hello.cpp 10) Type: ctrl-x ctrl-c This will quit emacs and get you back to the prompt 11) Type: g++ hello.cpp -o hello.exe This will compile the source program that we have written (called hello.cpp) into an executable program (called hello.exe). If the compilation listed errors then go back to step 5. Be sure that when you get to step 8 that your program looks precisely like that program. 12) Type: ./hello.exe This will execute the program you have just written!