Due: 9/29, HW 2 This assignment is meant to give you some practice with the server and to use many of the programming pieces you have learned in class. You will use a while loop and an if statement as well as cin and cout. Here is the problem statement: This assignment is essentially to read in two values, multiply them and then output their results. Your boss has asked you to write a program to read in a velocity (in m/s) and a time (in m). velocity values can be any real number while time is limited to positive integers. If the program user enters a negative value for time, please ask them to enter a proper value (repeatedly if necessary) until a proper positive value for time is given. Finally, given these values, please compute the value of velocity times time and make an output based on whether the result is positive or negative following the examples below: If the result is positive then output: You have moved x meters. If the result is negative, then make it positive and then output: You have been moved back x meters. Examples program runs: ./hw2 Please input real-valued velocity (m/s): 3.5 Please input positive integer time (s): -1 Incorrect input, try again: -3 Incorrect input, try again: 3 You have moved 10.5 meters. ./hw2 Please input real-valued velocity (m/s): -3.5 Please input positive integer time (s): 3 You have been moved back 10.5 meters.