CSI 201 HW#5 Extend your force, mass, acceleration program to use arrays. In specific, allow the user to enter 10 masses and accelerations all at once (into an array using an input function). Then, do the computation of all 10 in a computation function, with the result going into an array. Lastly have an output function which prints out the results, using an array. There are three arrays in this program: mass, acceleration and force. You may receive some extra credit for using partially filled arrays. Again the pseudocode looks the same, but force, mass and acceleration should all be arrays so that each piece o the program can be done in isolation. While the user wishes to continue Get input of 10 mass and accelerations into an array (in a function) Perform calculations for force based on mass and acceleration (in a function) Produce output of the 10 forces computed (from an array and in a function)