Due 09/15/08. Remember to script properly and to print using enscript -2Gr Reminder: exam #1: 09/17/08 For homework 2, extend the 'age' program to do the following: Also request the following information about the user: name, height, and weight Be sure that the user gives a height value in inches between 1 and 110. I the user gives an incorrect height value then report an error and ask the user for a correct height until they enter a valid one. Be sure that your prompts describe to the user what proper values are. For the purposes of this program, proper weights can be between 1 and 8000 pounds. Calcluate the user's BMI by the formula: 703 * weight / (height*height). At the end of the program, report the user's name, height, weight, age and BMI. ------------------------------------------------ Your age program should alsow do all the following from classworks: Ask the user for his or her age. Confirm that his or her age is within 0 and 150. If the user gives an incorrect age, ask the user to give a correct value. Repeat this process until the user gives a correct age. Determine if the user is below 10 years of age or is above 55. When the user falls into this age range then report that the user is eligble for a discount. When the user isn't in the age range then report that they are not eligble for a discount.