hw#5 Due: 4/16/7 Do not use vectors or linked lists in this project. Only use stacks or queues. Create a class called 'Line'. Lines hold a list of names of people waiting in line. People may enter at the back of the line but are always taken from the front. (In your write-up describe why you used which data structure). "new" people may arrive in the line and people may leave the front of the line when called "next". Lines have a "special" function that works just like new. "next" removes the person from the front of the line. Create another class called 'PriorityLine'. In a PriorityLine, special individuals may add themselves directly to the front via a "special" function. All others must enter the back with "new". The "next" function call should always take the person in front. Make sure you describe how you handle this in your documentation. When either line is empty and next is called, write an error message to cerr but do not leave your data structure in a "bad" state. int main() { cout << "NORMAL LINE" << endl << endl; Line l; l.new("Joe"); l.special("Jack"); l.special("James"); cout << l.next() << endl; cout << l.next() << endl; cout << endl << "PRIORITY LINE" << endl << endl; PriorityLine j; j.new("Joe"); j.special("Jack"); j.special("James"); cout << l.next() << endl; cout << l.next() << endl; }