Due: 3/21/2007 Instructions: Put your main function in hw4.cpp. Place class files in appropriate interface and implementation filenames. Design a program that implements the class Book. Your main program should open a file, read in an array of books from the file, manipulate them to test your functions and then write the results into another file. For now, the class Book has a number of pages, a title, and a single author name. The Book class should also have a field for the ISBN number which is a unique 10 digit number. Overload the input and output operators for your class Book. Overload addition. The addition of two books is a book with twice as many pages, an authorname that is the concatenation of the previous author's names, and an ISBN # that is the addition of the two ISBN #'s truncated to 10 digits. The new title of the book should also be the concatenation of the previous author's names. While this does not give great results, it is a rough approximation for our purposes. Example: given the following books AbsoluteC 1100000000 Weiss 586 DataStructures 9900000000 Savitch 945 Adding the first book with the second should give. AbsoluteCDataStructures 1000000000 WeissSavitch 1531 Hand in to me: README describing difficulties, issues or general comments. Do not repeat the assignment to me, as I am well aware of what you need to accomplish. However, DO point out any assumptions or clarifications. Did you use friends? enscript version of your source files and a scripted version of your execution, with several attempts.